Foxconn advances into the photovoltaic industry evaluation: it will promote the progress of the industry

Introduction: The global photovoltaic industry has fallen into a trough. Foxconn President Guo Taiming has made a high-profile red-dollar investment into the photovoltaic industry. Can Foxconn's cross-border operations gain greater opportunities in new areas. Foxconn's participation will bring the domestic PV industry landscape. What changes? Zhongguangwang Beijing October 26th According to the Voice of Economics "Chaoguang Finance Review" reported that the global photovoltaic industry is entering a trough, leading photovoltaic companies like Wuxi Suntech and Jiangxi Saiwei have successively went bankrupt Rumors. Just when the whole industry was not optimistic, Guo Taiming, the president of foundry king Foxconn Group, unexpectedly announced that he would invest 100 billion yuan to enter the photovoltaic industry. Guo Taiming’s reversal of the technology made the whole industry feel uncomfortable. Foxconn is advancing against the cross-border operation of the photovoltaic industry, what changes will it bring to the photovoltaic industry? Mr. Han Xiaoping, Chief Information Officer of China Energy Network, commented on and commented on the Voice of Economics. Foxconn's cross-border operation will have an impact on the domestic market. Moderator: This time, Foxconn's entry into the photovoltaic industry is in cooperation with Poly Coordination Group, a subsidiary of the world's third-largest polysilicon producer, Hong Kong GCL Group. First of all, can you give us a generalization? What kind of industry is the photovoltaic industry? What kind of content does Foxconn and GCL-Poly cooperate with? Han Xiaoping: The photovoltaic industry is mainly equivalent to the semiconductor industry. It is converted into electricity through silicon. Nowadays, this market is very large in the world, and a large amount of silicon is produced into high-grade silicon. From single crystal silicon to polysilicon to six 9,99.999% silicon, it is made into a photovoltaic cell, which is used to generate electricity. Now this market has been in Europe before, and it has developed very fast. However, due to the shrinking of the European market after the financial crisis, the US market is also shrinking, so the whole industry has gone downhill. But it does not mean that this industry will end here. With the development of technology, people will continue to increase this demand, especially in the future of China's market. There may be a very big push. The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" has already planned to install about 10 Gs with a capacity of about 100 kilowatts. Such a large demand will require more manufacturers to supply in the future, and this supply requires some products that are cheaper and more effective. Moderator: Is it possible to understand that Foxconn is advancing against this situation in the current situation of the global photovoltaic industry? Han Xiaoping: Yes. Foxconn also has some special advantages, and it has already reduced the cost, standardization and high quality of its products. In cooperation with Poly GCL, the biggest advantage of GCL-Poly is that the cost of raw materials is very low. His current one kilogram of silicon is only about $20, while other competitors may reach $60, so they combine the two. It will have a huge impact on the global market and will have a big impact on the domestic market.   The prospects for cooperation between Foxconn and Poly GCL are clear. Moderator: There is a view that GCL-Poly can even feel the threat of Foxconn. Can their cooperation be separated? Han Xiaoping: They are in two different industries. Poly GCL is more focused on the upstream and Foxconn is more on the downstream. Their combination may form an impact on others, and the impact on GCL-Poly itself is relatively limited. In addition to this use, photovoltaics can be used in many places. For example, it is possible to use Foxconn in the future to have a photovoltaic panel behind the iPad, or the iPhone can generate electricity. This will bring a new blue ocean to the whole market. For the whole product promotion, it has a great impetus to the development of technology, so the combination of the two may not only be an impact but also a hope for the market. . Moderator: You are very optimistic about the prospects of cooperation between Foxconn and Poly GCL? Han Xiaoping: These two companies are very good companies. When such a good company is integrated, this fist is very powerful. Moderator: In addition to bringing some changes to the current PV industry landscape, what impact do you think they can make positively? Han Xiaoping: There are many influences. First of all, all enterprises must consider strengthening their competitiveness in order to survive. Therefore, we must constantly improve their management and improve their technical level. In addition to the low cost, GCL-Poly has a particularly large advantage of no emissions and no pollution. Nowadays, some enterprises have dumped everywhere. The province cannot fall to other provinces and has a lot of pressure and influence on the environment. And GCL-Poly can not only handle its own, but also collect other people in the market to carry out this kind of processing, and the promotion of the market is very large. Moderator: There are rumors that some traditional leading industries in China are about to go bankrupt. Will there be a big situation after Foxconn enters? Han Xiaoping: A single big is unlikely, although some companies do not compete well, but it does not mean that the entire industry is not good. There are also very good companies in the market. For example, we know that companies like Yingli and Changzhou have a very good business. So their competition will still be very full. Foxconn can cooperate with Poly GCL, and it does not mean that it can't cooperate with other people. Therefore, Foxconn will play an active role in supporting the whole industry and promoting the globalization of Chinese products in this industry. Play a very vital role.    

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