New nuclear power wheel power generation to build a group spring and its sloshing effect

The model of the damper spring device simplifies and solves the simplification of the unit shafting, platen and spring flexible foundation system, and establishes an analytical model. The turbine generator set and the basic platen can be considered to have only mass (m) and no elasticity. The damping spring can be considered to have only elasticity (k) and damping (c) without mass. So in the vertical direction, the package

The model of the damper spring device simplifies and solves the simplification of the unit shafting, platen and spring flexible foundation system, and establishes an analytical model. The turbine generator set and the basic platen can be considered to have only mass (m) and no elasticity. The damping spring can be considered to have only elasticity (k) and damping (c) without mass. Therefore, in the vertical direction, the system including the damper spring device can be simplified into a single degree of freedom vibration isolation system dynamics model. The exciting force in the system is mainly generated by the initial residual dynamic unbalance force Psint of the shafting system. The equation of motion of the system can be simplified as: mx+cx+kx=Psint(1), 2n=cm; n=km;q=Pm Equation (1) can be rewritten as x+2nx+2nx=qsint(2) Simplified model of the platen damping spring system of the unit. The solution of the equation of motion consists of two parts: the general solution and the non-homogeneous equation of the homogeneous equation (free vibration). A special solution for (forced vibration). This paper only discusses the non-attenuating vibrations that occur when the system is stabilized and then forced to vibrate. Assuming that the forced vibration is a simple harmonic motion, the vibration displacement: x = Asin (t -) (3) vibration velocity: v = dxdt = x = Acos (t -) (4) vibration acceleration: a = d2xdt2 = x = - A2sin(t-)

Actual measurement and analysis of the spring base vibration isolation effect Since the natural frequency of the spring base of the nuclear power turbine generator set is about 3.347 Hz (200 r/min), the dwell speed during the friction check of the unit during the speed increase process is 1100 r/min, which is fully guaranteed. The flexible base is separated from the resonance zone when working.

In order to investigate the vibration isolation effect of the flexible foundation with the damping spring and the impact of the external force on the foundation beam during the operation, the design unit and the power plant jointly performed the vibration measurement under the two working conditions during the commissioning process: (1) No.1 Turbine generator set full speed no-load condition (20060415); (2) full load condition (20070510).

The measured position of the vibration is: the bearing housing of the unit in the vertical direction (the position of the measuring point is determined according to ISO1091621996) and the vibration isolation device (the vibration of the frame on the upper part of the turbine generator set, the upper plate B of the damping spring, and the lower support of the damping spring) Column C). Measuring point arrangement and measuring point position.

The vibration measurement point layout of the base platen and the position B and C of the measuring point. In order to measure the vibration isolation efficiency of the damping spring, the concept of damping ratio (KV) is introduced, that is, the amplitude and damping of the measuring point at the upper platen B of the damping spring are adopted. The ratio of the amplitude of the measuring point at the lower part of the spring supporting column C is determined.

Conclusion (1) This paper briefly describes the successful application of the flexible spring foundation in the domestic million-kilowatt nuclear power turbine generator set.

(2) Through the establishment of a simplified model of the million-kilowatt nuclear power plant, platen and vibration-damping spring system and field test, the vibration characteristics of the flexible foundation of the damping spring are studied, and the large-scale nuclear power turbine generator set is reduced. The research work of the flexible spring flexible foundation provides a reference for the comprehensive application and promotion of the spring foundation in the field of vibration isolation of large steam turbine generator sets.

(3) It is found from the field test that the vibration reduction effect of the actual unit spring foundation is slightly worse than that of the single free system. This is due to the multi-degree of freedom system and various influencing factors, but the actual unit still has Good vibration isolation effect.

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