CREST develops new multi-layer antireflection (AR) coating technology for glass surfaces

The British Renewable Energy and Sustainability Technology (CREST) ​​Research Center at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom has developed a glass surface multi-layer anti-reflection (AR) coating technology that can increase the efficiency of solar panels and reduce glare. This broadband anti-reflection anti-reflection coating covers the entire spectral wavelength range that solar cells can accept, reducing the reflection of more than 70% of the device and increasing its output power.

The glass surface typically reflects about 4% of incident light, which is a significant loss of light for photovoltaic products. "This AR coating can reduce emissions to less than 1%," said Professor Michael Walls, a CREST researcher and co-inventor. "The extra incident light can be absorbed by the solar cells, increasing the photocurrent, and increasing the solar cell by about 3.5. %s efficiency."

The laminated design of Loughborough University, with a thickness of less than 300 nm, consists of only four layers of zirconia and silica alternately, which are both rich and low-cost materials. The team said that the AR coating must be cost-effective: thin, easy to manufacture, so the design represents a compromise: make the best quality paint from the cheapest materials, and use the lowest possible number of layers.

Subsequent IEEE PV Magazine reported this application specifically for thin film CdTe photovoltaic technology, but the coating technology is also applicable to other thin film technologies such as copper indium gallium selenide and amorphous silicon. In addition, the AR coating can also be used for the glass surface of crystalline silicon components, even the third generation of photovoltaic technology LILE Organic technology or perovskite equipment. The multi-layer design can be adjusted according to the wavelength range of each photovoltaic technology. Walls further pointed out that its “reducing glare coating” technology developed by the company will also make the appearance of photovoltaic facilities more enjoyable. ”

In the experiment, the researchers deposited the AR coating by magnetron sputtering. The machine used in this method was originally used for depositing anti-reflection coatings on eye lenses, so it is easy to achieve industrial production. As Walls pointed out, glass manufacturers already have the ability to apply these broadband antireflection coatings. Experts believe that: "Solar module manufacturers need to understand its advantages and application requirements, and its cost will be greatly reduced with the production."

The surface of the test data, this material is also scratch-resistant, durable, and the durability meets the PV manufacturer's 25-year warranty. Walls and his colleagues will next study the coating design to meet the wavelength band gap of all solar technologies.

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